Meet The Owner

My name is Bianca Woods. I was born and raised in Decatur, Alabama. I have never been the kid who played a lot of sports. In fact I quit T-ball at a very young age because the helmet made my head hurt. I had struggled with my weight since I was a child. How- ever, I never really had any guidance on what I should do about it. It wasn’t until I was a junior I had a friend who lost weight. This was the first time I had ever seen someone close to me change their body. A body that resembled mine. It wasn’t me seeing an infomercial in the middle of the night and wondering if they were telling the truth. My friend had gotten a workout dvd called “Black GIrls Workout Too”. I bought the dvd and started doing the workouts. I can remember them being challenging, but i continued to push through. My mom even joined me. Slowly but surely I started to see the changes physically and mentally. It became apart of my daily morning activity. I would get up at 5am before school to make sure I got my workout in.

In the beginning I had only done this for myself. I did not think it would have any impact on anyone else. I felt good that I had gotten my mom to exercise but she’s my mom. What I didn’t expect is that it would have an influence on strangers, classmates, extended family members, etc. This is what started to show me my purpose and passion on earth.
There’s much more to the story with a lot of fails, bumps, twist and turns that I will soon share but lets fast forward a little. I decided to attend the University of Alabama at Birmingham and graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration in Fitness Leadership with a double minor in Medical Sociology and Nutrition Sciences. GO BLAZERS! I also am a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach.
I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience to help as many people as possible, “BEE FIT. BEE HAPPY. LIVE LONGER! & CHOOSE TO BE HEALTHY SO THAT THEY ARE NOT FORCED WITH A DIAGNOSIS.”